More on Shopping

Shopping is a serious issue, so it deserves a second posting.  This is a issue I feel strongly about because I’ve seen a lot of it.  Suze Orman herself says that the less you feel the more you spend.  This means that the less you feel about yourself the more money to spend.  This is especially true for females.  There is no reason to feel like less because we are all creations of God.  We are all loved by God, and have a great value to Him.

There may be times when we feel unachieved or underaccomplished.  There may be times in our lives when things just aren’t going right.  God puts us through trials to make us stronger in our faith and He even tears us down so he can build us up stronger.  There are no excuses to spend money recklessly or spend money as part of a therapy.  In the end spending money is a quick fix and normally ends up in regret.  God is the only therapy we need.

Christian Women and Shopping Habbits

Many women of all ages love to shop.  A lot of them even shop to make themselves happy and temporarily forget about their problems.  I myself used to be one of them, and I know some that still do.  There’s no doubt that for many women, shopping gives them a quick feeling.  It can even be like a temporary high.

As Christian women this is wrong for several reasons.  Excessive shopping and spending is gluttony, which is a sin.  Not turning to God for comfort and refuge is also a sin.  There’s also the fact that there’s nothing physical on this earth that we can take to heaven with us. It’s also selfish and shows a lack of self control.

Shopping can be a lot of fun, but there are plenty of others ways we can be happy that will make God happy too.  Such things include volunteering time or services, worshiping God, praying, helping frends/family, giving to those in need, taking care of our health, etc.

Constantly shopping for things that are unneeded only leads to an empty wallet, and the happiness eventually fades away.  The devil likes to tempt and test us, and shopping is a way he likes to test the will power and self control of many women.

If you have a constant shopping habit, remember that it’ll only leave you with a room or rooms full of clutter and a empty bank account.  Look to God to make you happy not malls and stores.