Pets are a blessing from God

It’s my cats seventh birthday today and I’m thinking about how happy she makes me and what a joy she has been in my life. She has been in my life since she was just three and a half months old.

She has been with my during my sad times and happy times.  When I was deep into my depression I would love to listen to her purr.  It would soothe and comfort me.  I still love to hear her purr when I’m stressed or just have a bad day.

My cat is a gift from God indeed.  She greets me when I come home, she is someone for me to bond with, and she gives me unconditional love just as God does. She gives me someone to care for and someone to spoil.

When she had to have two polyps removed God gave me contract work so I could manage to pay for it.  She was on the verge of dying due to the complications but she managed to get to the vet just in the nick of time.  It’s a constant reminder that if God makes sure a animal is taken care of and provided for, I a human will be proved for all the more.

It’s also a reminder to focus on the simple things in life and not worry.  A pet enjoys the simple things in life and we humans should too.  They just live in the moment and are happy with what they have. How much happier and easier would our lives be if we were the sane way?

We Chose Death Jesus Chose Life

Easter is a time when we celebrate the fact that Jesus died for our sins.  We focus on the fact that Jesus died for our sins so that we can be forgiven.  As humans, we introduced sin into the world back in the garden of Eden.  Death was not a part of Gods original plan for any of us.

The cross is very important to Christianity and is much revered.  We all know that Jesus died for us on the cross so that we can live.  The price for sin was death, and God came to pay that price.  Yes, our human bodies still die, but then we are resurected and our souls go to heaven.  This is the same thing that happened to Jesus.

Yes, that is right! The story of Jesus and Easter do not end on the cross.   Jesus came back from the dead and is very much alive today.  Jesus conqered the grave and overcame death.  We can too!  All we have to do is believe in him and follow him.

Easter is the day we celebrate the greatest day in history!  God loves us and wants us to have eternal life with him.

Happy Easter to all!!




Its been a while

Yes, I know it has been a long time since my last post.  I’ve been through some stuff.  Needless to say, I’ve been through some stuff.  Long story short, I has a lot of financial struggles and moved around a lot.  I am now settled in my apartment where I plan to be until God has something bigger and better for me.

Things are still not as good as I want them to be but I know they’re only going to get better.  I know that my worst times are done and behind me.  There were times when I thought things were never going to get better but they did.  I’m greatful for my church and my true friends for helping me make it through my struggles

It was not an easy time to go through.  There where many times I just wanted to give up.  literally, I even had thoughts about ending it all.  Of coarse, those thoughts came from the devil himself.  My trust in God got me through and now I’m looking forward to many good times ahead.  The fight wasn’t easy but God gave me everything I needed to get through.  I’m now a lot stronger and firmer in my faith.


Why a great tribulation?

Last week I did a blog post about the great tribulation. Now I’d like to add on to those thoughts.  Again, it can be quite scary to think about such tribulations.  A lot of Christians mistakenly believe in the pretribulation rapture because they don’t think God would let Christians suffer so much.  Remember that God allowed his son to suffer on the cross for us because he loves us so much.

The great tribulation is going to be a final test for the Christians left on earth.  The great tribulation is going to strengthen and fortify the Christians that are living.  ‘The great tribulation is going to be the final fertilizer before the harvest.  You’re familiar with the parables Jesus told about the mustard seed and the wheat in the field right?  He was talking about the great tribulation.

Can you harvest your seeds(AKA Christian people) before they’ve fully sprung? No you can not.  While the tribulation will lead some astray from God, it’ll lead many people to God.  As God has promised us, he will be there with us during the time of the great tribulation.

God wants to hold and love us

This wasn’t my initial idea but as I hold my cat Cookie and get ready to type inspiration hits me.  Holding Cookie and thinking about God makes me think about how much God loves us and wants to hold us in my arms.  Yes, I am literally holding Cookie and typing at the same time.

Cookie tries to escape my arms from time to time.  We humans want to escape from Gods arms sometimes too,  Why do I want to hold Cookie?  Because I love her.  God being more loving than we can even imagine wants to hold us, embrace us, and show  us his love even more.

When you love someone you want to hold them and be with them.  You want to have a close, deep relationship with that person.  This is how God feels about each and every one of us.  The beautiful thing about God is that he has enough room in his arms for us all.

Are you going to surround yourself with Gods love and embrace or are you going to keep trying to escape?

No pretribulation rapture

I know I may get a lot of nasty comments for this one, but it is the truth so it needs to be posted.  I know that many Christians believe in a pretribulation rapture.  In fact, I even used to be one of them before a brother in Christ opened my eyes.  There is a lot of stuff online defending the pretribulation rapture so I’ll most likely get a lot of flack but I want to speak Gods word.

Yes, it means that Christians will go through a lot of pain and suffering, but Christians will also get to live an eternity in heaven with God.  Honestly, the belief in the pretribulation rapture makes no sense, take a close look at Mark…

Matthew 24:29-31 ESV  “Immediately after the tribulation of those days the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light, and the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken.  (30)  Then will appear in heaven the sign of the Son of Man, and then all the tribes of the earth will mourn, and they will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. (31)  And he will send out his angels with a loud trumpet call, and they will gather his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other.

Here is what 1 Thesalonians says

1 Thessalonians 4:16-17  (16)  For the Lord himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with God’s trumpet. The dead in Christ will rise first, (17)  then we who are alive, who are left, will be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air. So we will be with the Lord forever.

Yes, the rapture is a scary thing, and to be honest it scares me to my core.  However, God has warned us and prepared us.  God has also told us that the time of the tribulation will be short.  After the tribulation Jesus will come and he’ll light the sky from one end of heaven to the other.  What a glorious site that will be to see!!

Christians and Wasting Time

Yes, I know I haven’t been posting once again.  One of my favorite things to do when I get home from church on Sunday is to waste time.  As many of us Christians know, Satan loves to have us sell time.  It’s easy for most of us female Christians to waste time window shopping, doing beauty regiments, watching chick flicks, etc.  

While a little leisure time is good and even relaxing, we are called to guard our time and give our time up to God.  When we waste time, we’re not busy fulfilling the plans that God has for us.

My new goal is to stop wasting time on Sunday afternoons and get right to my blog as soon as I get home.  it’s also best to give a little time up to God once you wake up in the morning,  that way you start the day off right.  That is going to be my next goal, but I plan to take things one step at a time so the changes stick.  I hope that you resolve to give your time up to God and not let Satan talk you into wasting yours.  As Christians our time on this earth is truly precious.

Another Random Bible Verse

I just  can’t think of anything else to write about at the moment so here’s another random bible verse ……

For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast. Ephesians 2:8-9 (KJV)

There’s nothing we can do to save ourselves or free ourselves from sin.  Jesus did die for us, all we have to do is believe and keep Gods commandments.  It is true that God wants us to serve one another, but we can’t get into heaven by simply doing good things.

It’s also true that God considers laziness a sin, but working hard isn’t going to get us into heaven.  The work to get us into heaven was done when Jesus died for us on the cross.  What more work could possibly be done?

Having faith isn’t always easy, and every Christian has struggled with it at some point.  It can seem difficult to have faith, but God has never given us any reason or cause to doubt him.

We all do want credit for the hard work we do, but hard work isn’t about boasting or bragging.  Hard work is its own reward.  Jesus never boasted or bragged about any of the work that he did.

Who is to blame for the death of Jesus???

In my grow group a few weeks ago we were talking about how the Jews are still getting blamed for the death of Jesus.  Then the question came up of whether or not the Romans are really to  be blamed.  The real question is should anyone really be blamed?

We tend to think of death as a terrible and tragic thing even when we know the good news of heaven.  Yes, it is a painful and grueling that Jesus went through on the cross, I am not trying to make light of it in any way.  

We must always remember that Jesus is alive.  He did die on the cross, and he certainly did not deserve death by any means.  Jesus died so that we can have eternal life in heaven, what does blame have to do with any of it?